A magical, elegant red Burgundy which opens with a bouquet of small red and black fruits (strawberry, cherry, blackcurrant, blueberry) combined with nuances of pepper, leather and forest floor. This Pinot is very lively on the palate, with ample structure and a lovely rounded texture. It is the ideal partner for meat pies, duck and mushroom dishes.
Madame Veuve Point Bourgogne Pinot Noir 2019
A classic red Burgundy with Pinot Noir's hallmark red fruit character and earthy nuances.
Madame Veuve Point Bourgogne Pinot Noir 2019
A classic red Burgundy with Pinot Noir's hallmark red fruit character and earthy nuances.
Tasting notes
Wine characteristics
How to serve?
Serve at room temperature
Goes well with
Goes well with
Goes well with
The wines of Madame Veuve Point take their name from the inspirational female winemaker – Jeanne Marie Point – who was widowed at the tender age of 26 (“veuve" means widow in French). After her husband’s death in 1903, she devoted herself to her young son and her vineyards in Burgundy. Despite her dedication, other winegrowers in her village did not accept her because she was a woman. But Madame Veuve Point was determined to prove herself with style. In 1904, one of her wines won the Grand Prize at the St Louis World Fair in the USA. This accolade finally brought her the fame and recognition she deserved on the other side of the Atlantic as well as back at home!
Madame Veuve Point’s great-great-granddaughter Géraldine Point, is now at the helm of the family business, which produces quality Burgundian wines in close collaboration with some of the region’s long established winegrowers.
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